Friday, January 20, 2023

First Post: My Experience and Expectations with Wine

    This will be my wine blog! Excited to be here and take you on the journey of me exploring and learning about wine! Thanks for stopping by. A little about wine in my life so far. I am Catholic, so the first time I tried wine was at Mass on Sunday when I was 8. At the time I thought it was very bitter and odd. The smell made my head swim, so I took the smallest sip possible. 

    About 13 years later I started trying wines and all different kinds of alcohols. I have only had white wine once. I was at a wedding and the bride's grandfather handed me a cup of white wine. Of course I obliged and drank it, but it was one of the most bitter headache-inducing drinks of my life. Since then, I have tried some red wines and found them much more appealing. Specifically I tried a pinot noir by Meiomi that I found smooth, not too sweet, and not too strong. I have been drinking it with friends at my apartment some evenings. I have also tried some of the wines mixed with other fruit flavors, but I usually find them too sweet for my liking. I had some other instances of trying wine from get togethers and dinners where I did not know the wine being served. Either way wine can be an exciting drink enjoyed best with laughs and friends from my experience.

    During this semester I hope to expand my knowledge of wines and how to drink them. I want to try many different types of wine and become familiar with their names and general flavors. I am looking at this class as a way gain a new social skill for networking and entertaining! That's all for now and here is a picture of me!


First Post: My Experience and Expectations with Wine

      This will be my wine blog! Excited to be here and take you on the journey of me exploring and learning about wine! Thanks for stopping...